Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tennessee 4-H Service Learning Institute

Thirty-nine Tennessee 4-H'ers joined in Lebanon, TN June 3-5 for the TN 4-H Service Learning Institute (SLI.)  The participants took part in a weekend full of fun and intensive training and were able to bring experience, memories, and a pretty cool T-shirt back to their home counties. 

After a few rounds of Speed Meet (similar to speed dating) the 4-H'ers dove into the weekend headfirst by partipating in workshops, classes, activities, and fieldtrips.  Workshops were conducted on a variety of topics, some of which were Finding Your Service Skills, The Three Types of ServiceMeaningful Service, and Community Service vs. Service Learning with curriculum by Learn and Serve, the National 4-H Council, and Tennessee 4-H State Staff.  Additionally, participants enjoyed many hands on activities and games designed to teach them more about service learning.  After receiving their diplomas for completing the Service Learning Institute, participants were broken into groups geographically based on their hometown, and then challenged to design a Service Learning project in which they would use all of the skills and knowledge that they had accumulated throughout the weekend.  Many community needs were addressed by the groups, and their final projects will be taking place within the next few weeks up until the beginning of the school year in August.  Be sure to check back and see all that this dedicated group of 4-H'ers has accomplished in their communities!

Participants take notes as they participate in one of the sessions during the Service Learning Institute

Community mapping

Daniel Allen, State Council Jr. Rep, leads a workshop on service learning

Speed meeting!

During a visit to the State map at Centennial Park, Knox County 4-H'er Graci Webber shows where she calls home

Visiting Second Harvest Food Bank

Entering the freezer... -40 is COLD!!!

 During one activity, 4-H'ers designed puzzle pieces depicting their personal skills that they could use in service to others

As a special treat, Justin Crowe, State 4-H Staff, offered up multiple 4-H items up for auction at the end of the weekend.  Participants bid on items with clover bucks they earned throughout the weekend for good deeds to others.

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