Friday, September 23, 2011

Tractor Supply and 4-H

Tractor Supply is an incredible sponsor of 4-H, raising awareness and donating funds to clubs across the country.  This week patrons can buy a $1 paper clover, with funds supporting both local and national 4-H clubs. 

Additionally, Tractor Supply is a generous partner year-round.  Visit their website or your local TSC for more information. 

Help us say "Thank you!" by supporting businesses that support 4-H!

National 4-H Week

This year's National 4-H week is October 2-8, 2011 and is used to spread awareness about the 4-H program.  We encourage 4-H members, alumni, staff, and volunteers to help us spread the word!  Many local businesses will gladly honor National 4-H week on business signs, and this is the perfect opportunity to let a service project show the difference that 4-H can make in the community. 

For more ideas, please visit our 4-H week toolkit here

After 4-H week is over, we would love to hear about the activities you or your club participated in.  Please take advantage of our facebook, twitter and email ( to share pictures and let us know how it went!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Connect with TN 4-H

There are several ways to connect with the Tennessee 4-H program through the internet.  Here is a list of our social media accounts, as well as contact information for the state office if you have any questions!

Twitter- Tennessee4HFacebook- Tennessee 4-H, the page, not the group
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or would like more information on how you can be a part of our social media program, please contact the state office at 865-974-2128

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

State Project Winners 2011

Level 1- Sarah Ramsey, Hancock County
Level 2- Stephen McBride, Coffee County

Clothing and Textiles
Level 1- Augusta Betterton, Putnam County and Kelly Burgess, Williamson County
Level 2- Ariel Chism, Rutherford County, and Cheyenne West, Claiborne County

Communication/Public Speaking
Level 1- Tori Bryant, Lawrence County
Level 2- Hamilton Spivey, Warren County

Companion Animals
Level 1- Sara Stewart, Wilson County and Kaitlyn Asmar, Maury County
Level 2- Aaron Helms, Lincoln County and Rachel Clack, Putnam County

Computers and Technology
Level 1- Maranda Vandergriff, Knox County
Level 2- Austin Duke, Rutherford County

Consumer Education/Economics
Level 1- Daniel Van der Merwe, Knox County and Justin Spivey, Warren County
Level 2- Amanda Ratliff, Sumner County and Graci Weber, Knox County

Level 1- Ben Jordan, Marshall County
Level 2- Kaylee Penick, Cheatham County

Level 1- Joseph Phillips, Overton County
Level 2- Chelsea Bell, Madison County

Engineering/Safety Science
Level 1- Reggie Eskridge, Shelby County and Aaron Waldrup, Knox County
Level 2- Mac Britton, Warren County and Scott Southard, Warren County

Level 1- Kade Parker, Blount County

Food Science
Level 1- Savannah Horne, Knox County and Ellen Woods, Coffee County
Level 2- Beth Thew, Roane County

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tennessee 4-H Roundup 2011

Day 1 was a success and Day 2 is well underway!  We would like to congratulate all nominees for the 2011-2012 State 4-H Council, as well as to wish all project competitors luck tonight at the awards banquet.  To see more pictures, please visit Tennessee 4-H on facebook; To see a complete play by play, visit our twitter!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

2011 Tennessee Junior High 4-H Academic Conference

160 4-H'ers attended Junior High Academic Conference on the UT Knoxville campus June 7-10, 2011. Participants received intensive training in their 4-H project areas under the supervision of university scientists and specialists and explored related career opportunities. The conference provided a variety of rewarding and fun-filled experiences in classroom, outdoor and laboratory settings.

In addition to their valuable educational experiences, 4-H'ers also took a trip to Dollywood, swam at the UT aquatic center, had a dance, and participated in service projects that benefitted eleven sites across East Tennessee.  To celebrate their achievements and hardwork, participants were honored at a 4-H graduation ceremony attended by University of Tennessee faculty, staff, and guests.  A listing of all project group photos may be found here

For more information on Academic Conference, please see the website.

Citizenship project participants made a field trip to McGhee Tyson Airforce Base in Alcoa, TN

Citizenship Project participants

Students in the Dairy Foods Group had the opportunity to study in the Food Science department at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville.

Forestry participants study wood samples under the microscope.

Participants take to the fields as part of their project studies.

4-H'ers help to beautify the UT Gardens as one of their service projects.

Nate Crilly, Senior 4-H member and state public speaking winner, gave the Keynote address at the Graduation Banquet.

Special thanks to all of the sponsors, agents, and volunteers who made this week possible! Junior High 4-H Academic Conference is a wonderful event filled with education and memories that the participants will always remember.

Would you like to share your club/county/region event on the State blog, facebook, or twitter?  Email details and pictures to or contact Abby Bryant, State Office student assistant at 865.771.9517 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tennessee 4-H Service Learning Institute

Thirty-nine Tennessee 4-H'ers joined in Lebanon, TN June 3-5 for the TN 4-H Service Learning Institute (SLI.)  The participants took part in a weekend full of fun and intensive training and were able to bring experience, memories, and a pretty cool T-shirt back to their home counties. 

After a few rounds of Speed Meet (similar to speed dating) the 4-H'ers dove into the weekend headfirst by partipating in workshops, classes, activities, and fieldtrips.  Workshops were conducted on a variety of topics, some of which were Finding Your Service Skills, The Three Types of ServiceMeaningful Service, and Community Service vs. Service Learning with curriculum by Learn and Serve, the National 4-H Council, and Tennessee 4-H State Staff.  Additionally, participants enjoyed many hands on activities and games designed to teach them more about service learning.  After receiving their diplomas for completing the Service Learning Institute, participants were broken into groups geographically based on their hometown, and then challenged to design a Service Learning project in which they would use all of the skills and knowledge that they had accumulated throughout the weekend.  Many community needs were addressed by the groups, and their final projects will be taking place within the next few weeks up until the beginning of the school year in August.  Be sure to check back and see all that this dedicated group of 4-H'ers has accomplished in their communities!

Participants take notes as they participate in one of the sessions during the Service Learning Institute

Community mapping

Daniel Allen, State Council Jr. Rep, leads a workshop on service learning

Speed meeting!

During a visit to the State map at Centennial Park, Knox County 4-H'er Graci Webber shows where she calls home

Visiting Second Harvest Food Bank

Entering the freezer... -40 is COLD!!!

 During one activity, 4-H'ers designed puzzle pieces depicting their personal skills that they could use in service to others

As a special treat, Justin Crowe, State 4-H Staff, offered up multiple 4-H items up for auction at the end of the weekend.  Participants bid on items with clover bucks they earned throughout the weekend for good deeds to others.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Eastern Region Fashion and Design Conference

If you thought 4-H just had activities for kids who enjoyed farming, you're wrong!  Although 4-H does have many farm related projects, there are 27 to choose from, including (but not limited to!) clothing and textiles, computers and technology, and photography.  There are many ways to become active in your chosen project, no matter what it is.  If your chosen project has anything to do with fashion, crafting, or sewing, you'll want to be sure to attend Fashion and Design Conference.

100 4-H'ers attended this year's Eastern Region Fashion and Design Conference in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.  Extension staff and adult volunteer leaders facilitated workshops, crafting sessions, and even a fashion show for the 4-H'ers in attendance.  Also included in the program was a fieldtrip to Joann's fabrics, a dinner out in Pigeon Forge, and a trip to the popular Titanic museum. 

The concluding fashion show showcased the talent of 4-H'ers in two categories: Fashion Sense and Construction.  Fashion sense entries consisted of outfits that the entrants bought and styled.  Construction, however, included only clothes that the talented participants made themselves.  After the show, awards were given out in each grade and category for the top three participants.  See a complete list of winners here.   


Photos courtesy of Tessa Lollar and Eastern Region 4-H

A special Thank you to all Eastern Region 4-H agents and volunteers who worked to hard to make this event a success!  

Would you like your event featured on the Tennessee 4-H blog, twitter, or facebook?  Email pictures and details to

Monday, June 13, 2011

Join the social media network!

Tennessee 4-H is starting to jump into social media and we're actively looking for content to publish on our blog, facebook, twitter, flickr, and youtube accounts (whew, that's alot!)  If you or your county has something you would like published, send us an email at   Although we're looking for 4-H'ers in action (service projects, camps, conferences, etc), Alumni memories, and promotions for upcoming events, it can be anything! 

By using social media to share the activities of your 4-H club, you can inspire other 4-H'ers (and potential
4-H'ers) all across your community, country, and world! 

If you have any questions, contact Abby Bryant, State 4-H Student Assistant at 865.771.9517  or send us an email! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

2011-2012 Performing Arts Troupe

Congratulations to the following 4-H'ers who will be working together to form the 2011-2012 Tennessee 4-H Performing Arts Troupe:

Tara Austin - Blount County
Crystal Bagci - Overton County
Savannah Beals - Washington County
Alexis Case - Marion County
Bleu Eves - Cheatham County
John House - Cannon County
Bethany Jones - Crockett County
Brennan Lytle - Warren County
Shelby Pendarvis - Cheatham County
Katherine Tritt - Haywood County
Amber Upton - Henry County
Ashley Upton - Henry County

Costume coordinators:
Lynsey Jones - Knox County
Elisa Vandergriff  - Knox County

Technical coordinator:
Ethan Davenport - Sumner County

Tennessee is fortunate to have annually have such a talented group of teens that is willing to serve our state as performers, costumer coordinators, and technical coordinators on the 4-H Performing Arts Troupe!  After a rigorous training session at the beginning of each year, the troupe performs multiple shows throughout the season.  Annual performances start with the opening show at TN 4-H Round-up in July, and continue through fair season, culminating at TN 4-H Congress in the Spring.  The dedicated troupe also makes various appearances during the year at private and public events.  To learn more about the TN 4-H Performing Arts Troupe, visit their website, or call the state office at 865-974-2128.

Note: All images depicted are of the 2010-2011 cast members. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Tennessee 4-H State Finalists

Congratulations to the following 222 state project finalists who will travel to Roundup to compete in the interview portion of the competition.

Level 1
Megan Crawford
Chelsea Patterson
Cody McCoy
Sarah Ramsey
Daniel Stafford
Wyatt Lovelace
Ben Jones
Logan Stephens
Paul Steelman
Level 2
Carrie King
Joshua Rollins
Stephen McBride

Clothing and Textiles
Level 1
Brieann Yount
Courtney Collins
Alyssa Hopkins
Bethany Hayes
Augusta Betterton
Kirsten Beasley
Kelly Burgess

Level 2
Cheyenne West
Hannah Clevenger
Hailey Perry
Ariel Chism
Rachel Curtis

Level 1
Gail Dawson
Jessica Brewer
Brittany Noble
Tori Bryant
Jade Ellis

Level 2
Brittany Shaffer
Megan McGill
Kelly Benjamin
Hamilton Spivey

Companion Animal
Level 1
Rose Black
Deanna Lessenberry
Kaitlyn Asmar
Leah Chism
Jordan Curtis
Sara Stewart

Level 2
Amber Hickey
Kerra Kilgore
Aaron Helms
Rachel Clack

Computers and Technology
Level 1
Maranda Vandergriff
Brigitte Passman
Cory Banks
Henry Kilpatrick
Austin Sun
Dylan Riggs
Steven Alonso

Level 2
Austin Duke

Consumer Education/Economics
Level 1
Daniel Van der Merwe
Jalin Curry
Justin Spivey

Level 2
Gracie Weber
Erin Perry
Courtney Rolen
Joseph Minga
Katelyn Ferrell
Amanda Ratliff

Level 1
Jonathan Holder
Laura Bell
Lorne Woods
Benjamin Jordan
Dustie Strasser

Level 2
Dylan Ellenburg
Kaylee Panick

Level 1
Josiah Allen
Michaela Bagley
Joseph Phillips

Level 2
Chelsea Bell

Engineering/Safety Science
Level 1
Aaron Waldrupe
Jacob Richesin
Reginald Eskridge
John House
Judah Sherrouse
Crant Garst

Level 2
Mac Britton
McCain Smock
Scott Southard

Level 1
Kade Parker
Molly Gore

Food Science
Level 1
Savanna Horne
Alexis Hall
Gabriel Appleton
Devonte Bradley
Brandon Jordan
Ellen Woods
Sarah Derosett
Geneva Grippin

Level 2
Beth Thew

Forestry, Wildlife, & Fisheries
Level 1
Joshua Johnston
Will Futrell
Bryce Moore
Hayden Quick
Shelby Pendarvis
Dalton Driver

Level 2
Richard Winters
Heather Hatcher
Matthew Nuckols
Michael Crenshaw
Morgin Arms
Ashley McGray

Level 1
Hannah douglas
Cassandra Steptoe
Laura Estes
Samantha Scott

Level 2
Melissa Howes
Elizabeth Sanders

Level 1
Jordynne Walker
Alison Dyke
Shannon Granger
Ben Norton
Leah Piper
Olivia Cesnick
Melissa Bachman
Jessica Joyce
Amberly McFarlane
Whitney Ross

Level 2
Eden Flanders
Sarah Beck

Level 1
Dustyn Watson
Molly McGray
Lyndi Dodd

Level 2
Lucas Tipton
Cameron Byrd
Mitch Baker
Mary Clack

Line and Design
Level 1
Kelley Jennings
Holly Nehls
Kaitlyn Fasmire
Ashlyn Blair
Ekene Tharpe
Chelsea Shores
Sara Womack
Laura Darnell

Level 2
Rachel Hopkins
Lysa Waterhouse
Emma Stout
Holly Bruce

Nutrition, Health, and Fitness
Level 1
Katelynn Teal
Joshue Burton
Lynsey Jones
Ben Fellhoelter
Jenny Patel
Abby Kilgore
Kayley Green

Level 2
Joseph Stephens
Rachel Ranson
Nathan Wells
Montreal Fisher
Brennan Lytle

Performing Arts/ Recreation
Level 1
Elisa Vandergriff
Kayla Hargrove
Amber Upton
Ashley Upton
Holly Blankenship
Sierra Pedigo

Level 2
Mason Van Horn
John Harris
Diamondi Wilson
Charles Steelman
Laryn Bouldin
Laura-Kate Gonyea

Personal Development
Level 1
Taylre Beaty
Hope Brooks
Daniel Ransom
McKayla Walker
Tyra Hawkins
Hunter Jones
Carli Daniels
Courtney Marie Few

Level 2
Enoch Weaver
Victoria Wilson

Level 1
Nicole McGill
Lauren Jenkins
Dasia Williams
Katherine Barber

Level 2
Samantha Darby
Matt McKinney
Chelsea Harris
Elane Mashburn

Plant Science
Level 1
Alex Crockett
Sam Koeshall
Dalterris Clark
Ethan Willis
Thomas Massey

Level 2
John Adam Turner
Kourtney Brown

Level 1
Jalinie Hensley
Timothy Stalans
Sydnee Brashears
Clay Hays
Harley Browning

Level 2
James Swart
Paige Matthews
Ethan Davenport

Level 1
Tara Austin
Kristen Walker
Hannah Cross
Morgan Cox
Issac Lofton
Macy Kemp
Rachael Wolters
Anne Allen

Level 2
Katlyn Currie

Level 1
Jacob Gurley
Jacob Lay
Savannah Jones

Level 2
David Walker

Veterinary Science
Level 1
Victoria Howes
Jared Bruhin
Bethany Jones
Katey Smith
Katlyn Griffis
Elaina Henson
Cassie Cain
Lauren Crothers

Level 2
Jennie Clark
Amanda Cooley
Austin Miracle

If you were not selected as a project finalist, don't forget that you can still attend Roundup as an All-Star.  Check with your county extension office for more details. 

Find more information on Tennessee 4-H Roundup here.